Conquering your back to work fear: Here is all you need to know
It's very likely that for the first time in over a week, you will need to set your alarm clock tonight.
And that, we know, is utterly traumatising.
After approximately 10 days of lie-ins, boxset-binges, late lunches, mammoth dinners and countless glasses of vino, you have to go back to the real world.
Love or loathe your current job, the adjustment will take some getting used to, so why not make it easier on yourself by considering the following points in order to ensure a stress-free week ahead. (And praise Jesus it's only a four-day'er.)
1. Prep your outfit
Stop whatever it is you're doing right now, and prepare your clothes for the morning.
It'll take the guts of 20 minutes to iron an outfit and prep some accessories, but it'll be the most productive 20 minutes you can spend today, frankly.
Just picture how much easier tomorrow morning will be if you put a little time and consideration into the task without the pressure of a looming rush-hour commute.
2. Check your emails
OK, so some might argue that this action will eat into your holiday-time, but if you can face a quick inbox blitz, it will make the first hour back in the office a whole lot simpler.
Deleting and starring over the course of just 10 minutes will make trawling your correspondence tomorrow a little less stressful.
We're not going to lie, it will require a deep breath, but just remind yourself you're simply doing a digital spring clean and anything pressing can wait until the morning.
3. Set some goals
No one expects you to move mountains in your first week back to work after Christmas, but setting a few simple goals will help to alleviate The Fear.
Whether it's as simple as replying to that email you ignored during Christmas week, de-cluttering your desk by the end of your first day back or scheduling a chat with your boss about upcoming projects, giving yourself some milestones will really help you to focus.
And remember; don't overwhelm yourself by making goals that are simply unattainable by the end of week; small, but achievable goals are the name of the game here.
4. Go for a brisk walk
The night before you return to work often causes anxiety which means you may not be able to properly shut off and enjoy a solid eight-hour sleep.
With this in mind, it's important you get some fresh air by taking a brisk walk before winding down for the night.
We know you're very likely hungover, exhausted or a combination of both. but grab a friend, a family member or download the latest episode of your favourite podcast, and hit the pavement for 30 minutes.
It'll only help, we promise.
5. Pamper yourself
Look, it's not easy returning to work after a fortnight of excess, and Lord knows you're probably not feeling in tip-top condition, so make sure you treat yourself during your final hours of the Christmas holiday.
Root out any pampering products you found in your stocking, pull on your cosiest pyjamas and settle down with the book you found beneath the tree because finding the time to relax is absolutely paramount.
You've prepped for the morning, you've gotten a head-start on your emails and you've even fitted in a little exercise, so now it's time to indulge yourself before smashing your weekly goals.
Ladies, you've got this.