Penneys launch new Friends collection, and we are so here for it
Are you one of THOSE people? The person who still watches the Friends repeats on Comedy Central because it is pure telly gold. Sure, years after it was actually on the air we could see it had more than a few issues; Ross still being a Class A jerk (they were not on a break and Rachel deserved better), some gags that weren't exactly PC and diversity in casting? Yeah, there was none tbh.
But, it was of its time. We loved it then, we still (or, for the most part at least) love it now and to fuel our obsession with too much coffee and Joey's love of not sharing food (sometimes, being selfish is worth it) Penneys have just announced a new Friends-themed collection.
And we love it!
Think t-shirts (maybe not quite as tiny as THIS one), coffee mugs, duvet covers, notebooks, key chains… and lots more I'll-be-there-for-you good stuff. Plus they are all perfect gift ideas for the truly great BFFs in your life, so you have an extra excuse to buy in bulk.

Prices range from €3.50 and up.

We are happy out.
Head to a Penneys store near you to see the full collection.