Digestion: Why Collagen Peptides Have Positive Effects
While there are many factors that contribute to leaky guts, incorporating collagen rich food in your diet can help our digestive system to function at an optimal level.
Most of your health problems are directly connected to your gut health. If your gut is healthy, you will be healthy. However, in the age of rich diets, most of us fail to maintain a healthy diet, which results in a “Leaky Gut”. Maintaining a strong digestive tract is important to prevent leaky gut conditions.
What are the first things that come to your mind when you hear the term Collagen? It is either skin care or related to younger-looking skin. There is this notion that collagen is only good for maintaining healthy-looking skin. However, that is not the case. Collagen also plays an important role in building and maintaining healthy connectives in your digestive tract.
A leaky gut is a condition in which food and other waste material pass into the bloodstream, causing internal inflammation. This results in bloating, IBS, Stomach cramps, and other digestion-related problems.
When the typical tight junction of the gut wall loosens up, it fails to regulate endotoxins. It is this process that affects our immune system. While many factors contribute to leaky guts, incorporating collagen-rich food into your diet can help your digestive system function at an optimal level.
Positive Effect Of Collagen On Digestion
The wellness society is well aware of the benefits offered by collagen. Collagen helps your skin stay hydrated, keeps your joints flexible, and boosts your digestive functions.
Collagen Support A Healthy Inflammation Process
The liver is a vital organ and plays an important role in digestion. It is the liver that is responsible for the bile production that breaks down the food. In addition, it also helps metabolize protein and carbohydrates while maintaining your blood sugar level.
Unfortunately, the liver is susceptible to damage from inflammation. A poor diet can lead to liver inflammation and digestion issues.
Glycine, the amino acid in collagen, aids in recovery and supports positive inflammatory response.
Collagen Initiate Healthy Insulin Response
Insulin is a hormone that directs your body on how to use glucose. For instance, it can direct your body to store Glucose when the level is high and use the stored glucose when needed.
For people with healthy insulin levels, these two processes happen naturally. But, for people suffering from diabetes, these functions become impaired. Fortunately, glycerine supports healthy collagen and helps to boost healthy collagen responses found in the body.
Collagen Boost Nutrition Absorption
When we experience a leaky gut, we will likely experience impaired nutrition absorption. This happens because you can get all the necessary nutrients only if you digest your food. With a leaky gut, food remains undigested, which results in impaired nutrition absorption.
Collagen supports gut wall integrity and mitigates the loss of nutrients due to an unhealthy digestive system.
What Should You Eat For A Healthier Gut?
The easiest way to ensure you are eating healthy food is to cut out on processed food. In much research, it has been seen that people going gluten-free and dairy-free have reported less bloating and inflammation.
Stick with a diet that is mostly green vegetables, fruits, and lean meat.
Bone broth is one of the best things you can eat to maintain a healthy gut. It is made up of simmering the bones of cow, lamb, and chicken with other herbs and spices. To make the broth even healthier, add ginger, garlic, rosemary, and onions to create a thick broth.
Experts state that eating a researched and regularly implemented diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, and healthy fat can improve your body’s collagen level. The improved collagen level positively affects your mental health, skin, and immune system and boosts your health.
The broth takes hours to complete. And when it’s completed, it has a densely packed flavor.
Use Supplement To Replenish Collagen
Sometimes, the situation is such that you don’t get enough collagen in your diet. In that case, you must consume Collagen supplements. So, how do you select the best supplement for digestive support?
If you are here with the same question, you are in luck. We have a solution in the form of Great Lake Wellness. It is one of the most trusted products and is even suggested by experts.