Dirty talk? New survey reveals exactly want we like to hear in bed
We all have our own personal likes and dislikes when it comes to getting busy between the sheets – but judging by the results of this new survey, an awful lot of us like to partake in the lost art of dirty talk.
A study conducted by the online dating agency, Saucy Dates, has revealed the noises and words that men and women love to hear while getting down to business – and the results were very interesting indeed.
Both sexes said they enjoyed moaning sounds the best, with 90 per cent of men and 77 per cent of women admitting it was a huge turn-on for them.
Next came dirty talk, with men (76 per cent) and women (73 per cent) both saying that being able to vocalise their sexual thoughts and desires heightened the experience.
But, as the research points out, it's always good to have a few go-to phrases in your back pocket – you know, so you don't get caught off guard and kill the moment with some cringe-worthy phrase you heard in Fifty Shades.
Heavy breathing, screaming and swearing also ranked quite highly on the list of likes.
Check out the full table below:
What they say |
Men like |
Women like |
Moan |
90.5% |
77.6% |
Talk dirty |
76.8% |
73.5% |
Heavy breathing |
60.1% |
45.9% |
Scream |
51.4% |
36.2% |
Swear |
38.6% |
31.2% |
Squeak |
27.9% |
14.8% |
Silence |
8.3% |
12.8% |
At the other end of the spectrum, respondents were also asked the worst things that have been said to them during sex.
Unsurprisingly, saying the wrong name came in as the number one mood killer, closely followed by 'I need a poo' and 'I'm going soft' – yep, that'll do it alright.
At the end of the day, whether you're a full-blown dirty talker or as quiet as a mouse, it's all about finding what works for you can your partner.
Laugh, moan, swear or squeak – but most importantly, just have fun!