DJ guilty of groping Taylor Swift paid his $1 fine in the worst way
Four months ago, Taylor Swift was awarded a symbolic one dollar in compensation after winning her sexual assault case against DJ David Mueller.
The DJ attempted to sue Taylor after he claimed that he had lost his job after Taylor accused him of groping her at an event in 2013.
The jury came back with a guilty verdict after Taylor counter sued him for the symbolic sum.
Now, according to the Associated Press, the former DJ has attempted to use his settlement fine as one last f*** you to the pop sensation.
He sent Taylor a coin featuring a Native American woman via post last week, according to his statement.
Mueller intended the coin to be one last attempt to insult the singer, after she called the case a 'win for all women.'
'It means 'no means no' and it tells every woman they will decide what will be tolerated with their body,'Taylor's attorney said, according to The Independent via Reuters at the time.
Hmmmm… we're not so sure that Taylor got the message.
In a recent interview with Time magazine (in which she was named one of Time's people of the year) the Bad Blood songstress said that she never received the coin.