Domestic violence leave comes into effect from today


Victims of domestic violence are now entitled to domestic violence leave from work.

Today, November 27, Minister Roderic O’Gorman has announced the commencement of domestic violence leave in Ireland. 

The new Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023, which was passed earlier this year, states that anyone who is experiencing or is at risk of domestic violence will be entitled to take five days leave in order to access support. 

The victims will also be entitled to full pay during the period of leave.

This makes Ireland one of the first countries in the European Union to implement this new right for employees. 

To help facilitate implementation of this new domestic violence leave, Women’s Aid developed supports for employers and have established a dedicated website,

Women’s Aid will also be hosting a series of webinars which will provide advice and information to employers on domestic violence policies. 

Speaking about the new right for employees of domestic violence leave today, Minister O’Gorman said, “No one experiencing domestic violence should have to risk poverty or unemployment in order to seek support”.

“From today, all employees will be entitled to five days leave on full pay so that they can access the supports they may need. This will make Ireland one of the first countries in the European Union to introduce this right”.

The Minister continued, “Domestic violence leave is not just about the leave. It can start conversations in workplaces and society around domestic violence and raise awareness”.

“Employers have a crucial role to play and I would encourage them to use the supports which have been developed to create a safe space for employees experiencing domestic violence”.
