‘Don’t look at me’ 10 signs you’re DONE AF with current housemates


Living with strangers is tricky.

And unless you're exceptionally fortunate, you will, at some point, find yourself sharing a fridge, a bathroom and a remote control with people you don't know from Adam.

Friends and New Girl would have you believe that this period in your life is something to celebrate, but that's not always the case.

While firm friendships have, indeed, been forged while bitching about a landlord, there's no denying that shacking up with strangers isn't for the fainthearted.

And here are just ten signs you're officially done with the people you live with.

1. The sound of their key in the lock gives you the same sense of dread as the Sunday Night Blues.

Deciding that you'd rather sit in your room (with very, very spotty Wi-Fi access) instead of asking about their day is a sign you need to heave-ho.

"Jesus Christ, it's them. I'm going to have to go to bed at 5pm."

2. Their name flashing up on your phone immediately sparks butterflies (and not in a good way).

Assuming you've done wrong by your flatmate every time they text you is enough to send anyone over the edge.

"It's her! It's probably about the electricity bill! Or the internet bill! Someone get me a gin."

3. Their food touching your food in the fridge makes you irrationally angry.

When the way they store their food begins to impact on your mental wellbeing, you may want to start scouting out new places to live.

"His manky bolognaise is practically molesting my Tupperware. I literally can't live like this."

4. You no longer feel you can have a normal conversation with them.

The sound of their voice in the hall makes you want to abseil out the top window than bump into them.

"If I don't move a muscle, she'll never know I'm up here."

5. Hearing that they're planning a weekend away from the house is your new Christmas morning.

From the moment they drop the news, you begin planning how you'll spend those blissful 48 hours of freedom.

"And what time will you be back, precisely? You know, just curious."

6. You find any opportunity to spend time anywhere other than the place you pay rent.

When staying late at work becomes preferable to a night on your own sofa, you need to start asking yourself some questions.

"I know the office cleaner better than my own roommate, and I'm OK with that."

7. You begin to think they're robbing from you, and the feeling is mutual.

When a level of mistrust develops between you and another person under the same roof, it's only a matter of time before someone bails.

"She thinks I robbed her conditioner, but I KNOW she robbed my dry shampoo."

8. You have to gird yourself before turning the lock in your front door.

You allow yourself a fleeting fantasy where you might find a note from them on the hall table telling you that they've moved out.

"Please don't be home. Please don't be home. Please don't be home."

9. You manage to prepare and cook your dinner in record time these days, just so you can avoid conversation.

Frantically dashing between your bedroom and the kitchen is the only way you move around your house anymore.

"Pretty sure this chicken isn't cooked, but I heard the garden gate swing open."

10. You broach the topic of moving back home a bit too often.

Chats with your mam on the phone have you longing for the days you could live a life devoid of heated exchanges about loud sex, unpaid bills and shampoo theft.

"Have you been missing me because I was thinking…."

