Dr. Ciara really opens up about Eilish and THAT scene
The public were up in arms during the week after Operation Transformation leader Eilish faced serious heat from Dr. Ciara Kelly, one of the show's panel experts, but it doesn't look like the doctor is going to apologise for her outburst
Social media went into overdrive after Dr. Ciara called Eilish out for indulging in a tipple of two on a recent night out, but the doctor has no intention of backing down on the issue.
Making her feelings very clear at the time, Dr. Ciara said: "This week was an abomination and I was embarrassed for you and I was disgusted to see you."
Penning a piece for the Irish Independent on the incident which really got the nation talking, Dr. Ciara wrote: "We [Irish] constantly minimise our drinking- talking about going for 'a pint' or 'a couple of drinks' when in reality we mean multiples of that. And we extol nights out where we don't remember how we got home, where we were or what we did. But we know it was great craic."
Admitting that her fury was not aimed specifically at Eilish, but the nation as a whole, Dr. Ciara said: "Eilish got the brunt of that which was probably undeserved. But am I sorry for bringing it up? No. Let's have that debate."
We have to be honest, our hearts went out to poor Eilish this week!