Dublin Zoo has a beautiful new addition… and we are MELTING
In May of this year, Dublin Zoo lost Harry the silverback gorilla – one of its longest standing and most popular residents – after he suffered a sudden stroke.
For the thousands who mourned the animal, it will come as some consolation to learn that a baby gorilla which Harry fathered was delivered safely on Saturday morning.
Commenting on the zoo's newest arrival, Helen Clarke-Bennett, leader of the animal care team responsible for the gorillas, said: "We are absolutely thrilled with the birth of the baby gorilla."
"It has been a sad time for the team after Harry’s death and this has really put a smile on everyone’s face," Helen revealed. "Big brother Kituba is taking a keen interest in the new arrival and the rest of the troop has reacted very well."
"The youngster is doing very well and is very bright and alert," she added. "Within minutes the baby was feeding from mum Lena which is a very good sign.”
The gorilla's mother, Lena, has yet to reveal the gender of the new arrival as she is insisting on keeping the newborn close to her chest for now.
"Lena is a great mother and so far she hasn’t let go of her newborn," Helen explained. "She will continue to cradle the baby in her arms non-stop for the next two to three months."
"When she does eventually let the toddler out of her arms to explore, the youngster won’t go far because Lena will not allow the baby go more than an arms length away."
This is the seventh infant for 32-year-old Lena, and the arrival signals a much-needed boost for the gorilla troop at Dublin Zoo following Harry's sad passing at the start of the summer.