Dumbbells for €115k?! Gwyneth’s annual gift guide is suitably CRAZY
Gwyneth Paltrow often been the subject of some ridicule for her lifestyle website Goop.
It does, after all, feature everything from "advice" on vagina facials to a guide on how to yawn correctly.
The actress doesn't seem too bothered by the press though, and continues to share ever-more bizarre content, including her annual Christmas gift guide which came out yesterday.
Gwynnie's Ridiculous (And Awesome) Gifts guide supposedly features "a little ridiculous for every budget" rather than just "crazy extravagances," but we beg to differ.
Among the items on the 2015 list are…
Custom-made 18-carat gold dumbbells for €115,000
A Darwin Sect jellyfish tank for €1400
"No clue where you buy jellyfish though," says the Goop team. Oh, okay then. So it's just an empty tank.
A selection of Joseph's Toiletries toilet paper for €900
"A 9 month supply (approx.) of everything you need to raise the bar on the definition of a well-groomed man or woman." We'll take Andrex, thanks.
Gilded playing cards for €2,100
"High stakes cards," indeed.
A toothpaste squeezer for €225
You could buy an endless supply of toothpaste for that price, surely?
And, if you're really stuck for cash…
A condom dispenser for €42
"Functional and straightforward, this 100% stainless steel dispenser safely stores this essential personal care item with characteristic German efficiency."
We'll take the lot.