€1,800 a pop? So, Ireland’s most expensive area has been revealed
Unless you’ve been living under a rock (possibly because it’s all you can afford right now) you’ll know that Ireland is experiencing a serious rental crisis.
From garden sheds going for €890 a pop (excluding bills) to enduring mile-long queues for a simple viewing, finding a place to call your own in Ireland is getting increasingly difficult.
Highlighting the struggles endured by renters across the country right now, Daft have released their latest quarterly report today, and the findings are fairly disheartening.
According to the report, rents are now five per cent higher than they were at their peak in 2008 and have increased by a staggering 45 per cent since late 2011.
Marking the largest quarterly increase on record, Daft have confirmed that rent in both Dublin and the rest of the country has increased by 3.9 per cent between July and September.
And if you're wondering how your fellow countrymen are faring, wonder no more.
While the average nationwide rent stands at €1,077, Limerick is coming up trumps in the reasonable rent stakes at just €504.
In contrast, south county Dublin is the most expensive, with renters shelling out, on average, €1,801 while the city centre stands at €1,575 and North County Dublin comes in at €1,320.
Oh, and one more thing!
Daft have confirmed that the annual rate of rental inflation currently stands at 11.7 per cent – the highest recorded since they begin their report series 14 years ago.
Well, that’s just wonderful…
If you have a nightmare story which sums up the country's current rental crisis and you'd like to share it with our readers, please click here and you could be in with a chance of winning €250!