Seven shameful things people do all to get a decent Instagram snap
Ah, Instagram, how we love you.
From all the celebrity photos we could ever need, to killer street style snaps, and dishes of delicious food (especially of the quirky kind) – we have to admit we're addicted.
But with good pictures comes embarrassment, as I'm sure we've all experienced.
If you are not guilty of one of these, you're lying.
1) Taking a selfie in a public place… and getting caught
We just wanted people to see our outfit of the day! But the SHAME when you get caught.
2) Spending WAY too long arranging make up/food/pets
We swear, those fresh flowers, perfume bottle and pretty items were all just lying there perfectly styled together – they were BEGGING me to take a picture.
3) Pondering over a caption for longer than five minutes
"What will I caption this pic?!"; "Is this funny or will people think I'm weird?"; "Am I being too abstract".
4) Letting boyfriends go hungry – because you need to snap your meal first
He hates you for it, but will give in – because he KNOWS how important it is.
5) Taking 50 selfies in a row to get the 'perfect one'
But sometimes even that one isn't good enough, *open camera* – *selfie mode*… and it starts all over again.
6) Struggling to show off all your accessories in the one picture
You have practically become a yoga instructor while cramping to get everything into one snap. Ouch.
7) Stopping in the middle of the street to get the ideal angle
Because the traffic will wait for you, obvs.