Emma Watson just pulled a total Hermione move in this new video
Emma Watson is obviously a kind an gentle soul, and between her humanitarian work and her sweet demeanour, she really is a precious human being.
Emma showed how sweet she can really be in a recent interview with a Spanish broadcaster.
Emma, recreating her first ever scene in Harry Potter, interrupted the interview to tell the journalist that she had pen on her face.
Not only did Emma inform the now blushing broadcaster about her face-to-ink ratio, but then proceeded to get up and wipe the shmutz off the girl's face herself, before calling her makeup artist in to fix the damage.
The journalist was understandably embarrassed, but Emma attempted to put her mind at ease about the whole thing.
"I'm so sorry! I just, I know what it's like to have something on your face," apologised the Beauty and the Beast star, who was there to chat to the journalist with co-star Dan Stevens about the upcoming flick.
Dan attempted to break the ice, by dubbing the event "the day Emma Watson did my makeup."
Honestly, we'd take a pen to the chin if it meant Emma would give our contour the once over.