Events happening virtually this St Patrick’s Day
Last year’s St Patrick’s Day is still fresh in everyone’s minds. Covid had just touched down in Europe. The schools and universities shut down, along with all bars, restaurants and night clubs. Leo Varadkar’s announcement of lockdown had half the country in tears. ‘Two weeks,’ they said, ‘And things will be back to normal.’
A year on, and it’s almost Patrick’s day again, and although it may feel like we’re in essentially the same situation again, a lot has changed. We have vaccines on the way. A better understanding of how to get through lockdown lifestyle. And now, virtual Patrick’s day events!
I know, I know. We were all hoping to be out and together again by now, but it’s important to look on the bright side of these things. These event organisers have made a huge effort to coordinate these events to spread a little Patrick’s Day fun this year to mark the day, and even if we can’t watch the parade or visit our local, we can still celebrate for the day that’s in it.
Cork Film Festival
The Cork International Film Festival went ahead this year and they have an amazing programme of short Irish films set up for the public to stream online entirely for free! Their special saint patrick’s programme will feature stories of a mother’s love and an Irish dancing drama to celebrate our people and culture, all ready to enjoy from your home. Tickets can be found at corkfilmfest.org .
‘Lucky You’ St. Patricks Speed Dating Event
The perfect opportunity to find a virtual companion! All the fun and efficiency of in-person speed dating events brought to your doorstep. Why wait to hear back from potential matches on traditional apps and websites when you can meet a group of singles just like yourself, all from the comfort of your living room. A lovely host to guide you through your virtual event, there to assist you with anything or anyone.
Purchase online and await your email confirmation with additional details. You will not be asked to register further on any website, app or the like. Keeping a simple and easy approach to attending.
Just as with in-person events, you’ll have a Host to assist you with anything or anyone, be able to privately chat with a new dater every 7-8 minutes and select those whom you would fancy meeting again and your Date-Mate matches emailed to you, later the same evening. Check out the Eventbrite page for more information!
Paddy’s Day Brunch
Fancy starting early? Get your groove on over your fry up from 11am on St Patrick’s day. RedFM DJ Stevie G supplying the tunes for your own personal dance party with soul, hip-hop, reggae, disco, house and afro beats. “Music-wise it’s suitable for all ages though it’s not a kids disco.” Says Stevie G.
The party is free via this link and donations to Cork’s Sexual Violence Centre are appreciated: sexualviolence.ie/donate.
RTE Virtual Parade
There will be no St Patrick’s Festival parade in Dublin this year, however, there will be a #RTÉVirtualParade in conjunction with the festival. Children will drive their toy cars and tractors around their gardens. Many events will be broadcast on the St Patrick’s Festival website. It will culminate in a St Patrick’s Night trad set featuring a who’s who of traditional musicians including Lisa O’Neill, Colm Mac Con Iomaire, Seamus and Ronan Ó Flatharta, Diarmuid and Brian Mac Gloin, Cormac Begley, Ronan O’ Snodaigh and Myles O’ Reilly starting at 8pm on the St Patrick’s Festival website, stpatricksfestival.ie.
Live Music in Belfast
Feile Belfast have organised an evening of live trasitional and folk music this St Patrick’s Day, with music from ‘The Cavemen’ from 5pm and later at 7pm, we’ll have music from the likes of Brendan Quinn, Robbie Walsh and Patrick O’Hare, followed by the Mac Corraidh music family at 8pm, and finally at 9pm The Rapparees. It can be accessed at the Virtual Féile.
Live music in Cork
Cork city is lighting up green this Patrick’s day with plenty of live streamed music happening in some of it’s best music spots around the city. Hosting musicians like John Spillane, the Ceili Allstars, Caoimhín Ó Fearghail, Emerald On Ivory, Oisín Morrison and The Lee Valley String Band, the show will be available to watch at 5pm on corkstpatricksfestival.ie, whitehorse.ie and coughlans.ie.
Nathan Carter in Concert
Nathan Carter and his band in association with Powerscreen are recording a live gig from Belfast Crumlin Gaol which will be streamed on St. Patrick’s Day – Wednesday 17th March 2021 for you to watch from your home. Tickets are available from the link below. Online Tickets €15 on sale now. Click here to purchase your tickets – Buy Tickets.