So, two-thirds of Irish people refuse to bare THIS body part in public
When it comes to other people, there are certain parts of their body that most of us would quite happily never get too close to.
From touching other people's eyes to catching sight of someone's manky-looking toes, we can be a sensitive bunch when it comes to the human anatomy.
But, if the thought of getting all up in someone else's foot space makes your stomach turn, you can count yourself lucky that the vast majority of us have NO intention of exposing other people to these tooties of ours.
That's right ladies; a whopping 66% of the Irish public would rather swelter from the ankle down than actually reveal their feet in a pair of flip-flops.
Whether it's a lack of polish, the possible stank factor or the fact the our heels alone could bring us seven years bad luck, us Irish are very precious when it comes to getting our feet out for the lads.
In fact, according to a survey by Scholl, the same amount of people find this body part the biggest turn-off in their partner.
Is it any wonder we're so damn sensitive?!