Exercising when you’re in a bad mood is not good, study says
Do you ever pressure yourself into going to the gym after a rubbish day at work? It’s one of those days where nothing goes right for you. You missed your bus, forgot your lunch and the rain hasn’t stopped pouring all day.
But you still drag yourself to the gym even though all you want to do is curl up on the sofa and watch Friends for the evening.
And that’s exactly what you should do.
A new study has found that exercising when you’re in a bad mood is actually dangerous.
The Heart Association revealed that working out when you’re in bad can increase your chances of heart attack.
The researchers analysed 12,561 patients who had suffered heart attacks. The results of their research showed them that one out seven patients were upset or worked out just before they had a heart attack.
They also found that people were three times more likely to suffer a heart attack if they were feeling sad or exercised strenuously an hour before.
So sweating out your anger and frustration isn’t the best move at all. We all know that regular exercise is key to being happy and healthy, but skipping the gym every so often isn’t the end of the world.
If you’re feeling a little grumpy or cranky then take it easy and head home instead.