Dognapping in Ireland: How to keep your dog safe from harm
Terrified pet-owners across the country are on edge as news of a national dognapping issue spreads throughout Ireland.
The lockdown created huge demand for pet dogs. Whilst many rescue shelters and professional breeders were unavoidably closed down, some less reputable sources have emerged. With demand at an all-time high, the sale of dogs has become a very lucrative business leading to the current spate of stolen pets.
According to the Department of Justice, ‘dognapping’ has soared by 50% in the last two years in Ireland, from 145 in 2018 to 210 last year. 120 dogs have been reported as stolen in the first six months of 2020. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some brazen ‘dognappers’ attempt to steal beloved pets whilst they are out walking with their owners.
Emily Miller of Petmania Ireland commented, “It is very distressing for a pet-parent to lose a dog. They are very much part of the family and the loss of a pet in sinister circumstances is even more devastating. We would like to offer dog-owners some simple tips to help keep their dog safe and sound.”
Petmania Ireland is encouraging dog owners to follow these simple steps to help keep their furry-friend safe from harm:
- First and foremost microchip your dog. Ensure that it is registered with the national database and that you have a Microchipping Certificate. This crucial step is sadly missed by many dog-owners.
- Get a collar and name tag for your pooch. This is one of the quickest ways to reunite a family with a lost pet.
- When out exercising make sure that a responsible person is accompanying the pet. Under 16’s shouldn’t be left in control of a dog without adult supervision.
- Invest in a good strong lead and well-fitting harness and collar for when your dog is out and about – this will help avoid the dog slipping away.
- Spend time training your dog. Basic skills such as returning when called, ‘heel’ and ‘stop’ will keep pets in check when visiting a dog-park.
- Think about where the animal will stay during periods of absence for example, when family members go to work. Is there a secure location at home to keep them safely.
- Invest in a safe secure dog-run with a sturdy lock for periods of long absence.
Emily went on to say, “A pet dog can be a wonderful complement to a family and a treasured member of the household. We would caution anyone thinking of getting a dog to go to a reputable dog breeder via the Irish Kennel Club or even better give a dog a second chance at the life it deserves by going to a dog shelter.”
In the latest report, 9,849 of dogs were handed into shelters in Ireland. Petmania works alongside a number of dog shelters in Ireland, Protecting Pound Dogs, Kilkenny, Ash Animal Rescue, Carlow, Anabatic Lodge Animal Sanctuary, Offaly, LSPCA – Laois, Deel Animal Rescue in Limerick, Sera Husky and Animal Rescue and Kingdom Cat and Dog Rescue in Kerry. They have numerous adorable pooches available right now for rehoming. These are trusted sources for those considering adding a four-legged member to the family.
For more information, see petmania.ie or visit instore to speak with one of its pet-experts.