We EXPLODED with emotion when we saw Adele’s anniversary gift
If you've been to an Adele concert this year (lucky you) then you'll know that at the end, cannons of confetti explode all over the stadium with little notes written by Adele herself.
They either say things like, "everybody loves the things you do," and "we could of had it all," to cute, "thanks for coming xo," messages on white paper.
Adele's boyfriend celebrated their fifth year anniversary by replacing Adele's regular white confetti to love notes he wrote.pic.twitter.com/DPDuhYI6i6
— Common White Girl (@girlposts) October 18, 2016
They add a special touch to her gigs, however when she was in Nashville this week, a few pink pieces of paper fell down.
The concert in Nashville was on the same day that marked Adele's five year anniversary with her partner Simon Konecki, and he was the genius behind adding in the little pink notes.
Last night Simon surprised Adele for their 5th anniversary with some love quotes on pink confetti. pic.twitter.com/YO5R6L9KFJ
— Adele Daily (@AdeleDailyInfo) October 17, 2016
He wrote swoon-worthy things like, "you are an angel," "I love you," "Happy anniversary," and "love you long time," on them.
Aw lads, what a boyfriend to have!