Facebook banned this ad on female hair removal for being ‘too adult’
If you regularly remove hair from your body with the help of a razor, you'll be all too aware that commercials advertising the practice rarely reflect the reality.
Indeed, many ads would have you believe a shaving session takes place by candle light while other suggest the presence of body hair isn't even a prerequisite for the endeavour.
Considering this outdated approach, Friction Free Shaving decided to create an ad which offers a more realistic portrayal of the practice, complete with lack of balance, uncoordinated moves and oodles of patience.
And Facebook has banned it.
The ad, which features a naked woman whose breasts and genitalia are concealed beneath two green swatches, is an ode to the reality of your standard shaving session, so it's unsurprising those behind it are outraged by Facebook's decision to remove it.
"We wanted to move away from traditional and outdated women’s shaving ads that are over-glamourised, sexualised and unrealistic," co-founder Briar Keen explained to Designtaxi in the aftermath of the corporation's decision.
"We don’t think that a woman shaving is anything to be ashamed of and find it sexist and deeply offensive that Facebook has banned our ad on these grounds."
Facebook have argued that users may be offended by the 'adult nature' of the advertisement – an argument which Briar refutes by highlighting the amount of support the ad had thus far received.
"We know a lot of women will agree with us, so we are calling on them to support us by watching our video in full at ffs.co.uk and sharing our story on their social media channels."
Want to see what all the fuss is about? Take a look here…