Feeling down? You won’t after you see these 19 happy things!
Sometimes, life can be hard. Here are some things that will definitely cheer up your Friday!
1. Get someone to do this to you
2. Imagine you’re holding this litter of loveliness (also known as a grumble)
3. Watch babies eating lemons. Do you know a baby? Even better, you get to see it in person
4. Just imagine having a pet baby meerkat, look how CUTE it is
5. Plan a trip to a bunny show jumping event, yes, they actually exist
6. Japanese square watermelon anyone?
7. Ring Russia, its country code is actually 007-AMAZING.
8. Laugh like a baby, apparently they laugh around 300 times a day, 240 times more than an adult.
9. Know that a group of flamingos are called a flamboyance and smile.
10. Having an ugly day? Be grateful you’re not a blobfish…
11. Think of sloths. Just sloths in general
12. Eat your dinner like this
13. Hug someone hot. Doesn’t matter who. Just make sure they’re hot
14. Indulge in some chocolatey goodness, hell, why not go all out and book a trip to Cadbury World.
15. Steal a siblings treats and act innocent
16. Look at old couples in love and feel inspired
17. Stick on some fluffy socks, they make everything better
18. Have a bubble bath, like this spiky little divil
19. Get some kip, if a cat can sleep for up to 18 hours a day, we should most definitely follow their lead
via our content partner CT