Oops… E.L. James’ Twitter Q&A didn’t quite go to plan
Following the success of her newest book, Grey, author E.L. James held a Twitter Q&A last night, but things didn't exactly turn out as hoped.
Twitter users took the free-for-all Q&A as an opportunity to express all of their feelings about the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise… and we mean ALL of them. The hashtag #AskELJames saw hundreds of people questioning her skills as a writer and her understanding of domestic abuse.
Many people even chimed in purely to point out what an absolutely terrible idea it was by her PR team to set up the Q&A in the first place. Not all of the tweets were full of aggro though – there were a few funny ones which were too good not to share…
Did you know how to read when you wrote Fifty Shades of Grey? #AskELJames
— Jocelyn Plums (@FilthyRichmond) June 29, 2015
#AskELJames after the success of "Grey," have you considered re-telling the story from the perspective of someone who can write
— Andrew Vestal (@avestal) June 29, 2015
Irony. Watching EL James get a nasty spanking from a harmless hashtag. #AskELJames
— Ham on Wry (@HeyZeus666) June 30, 2015
#AskELJames What's the minimum distance you have to stay away from Stephenie Meyer at all times?
— Kayleigh Anne (@Ceilidhann) June 29, 2015
#AskELJames do you find it ironic that you write as if someone has tied you to a chair and forced you to?
— Rhys James (@rhysjamesy) June 29, 2015
#AskELJames Are you getting tendinitis from having to hit "block" so often 🙁
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) June 29, 2015
What do you dislike more, Independent strong woman or the English language? #AskELJames
— Trevor Donovan (@TrevDon) June 29, 2015
That moment when #AskELJames hashtag is way more interesting than her books
— Laura.. (@5sose31d) June 29, 2015
Today E. L. James learned the valuable lesson that "A lot of people bought my work" is not the same as "Everyone likes me" #AskELJames
— Dean Burnett (@garwboy) June 29, 2015
#AskELJames you do realize that if Grey wasn't a billionaire, the 50 Shades trilogy would be one hell of a Law & Order episode?
— Belial Bell (@AlwaysAnimated) June 29, 2015
#AskELJames are you aware that eyebrows can't actually do this pic.twitter.com/5Fc6PI67ug
— lauren (@lburgundy) June 29, 2015