Finally! A glimpse of summer 2015 weather is on its way
This summer ws a little bit disappointing in terms of weather, we had a few nice days here and there, but it never lasted long enough to even make plans.
But we've got some good news for you today, an Indian summer is on its way.
August will end on Monday with some rain but once that passes the good weather is on it's way. High pressure will appear over the country and settled bright weather will finally be coming our way.
Met Éireann forecaster Siobhan Ryan said next week will be "dry, settled and calm, with little or no wind."
This is especially good news for anyone heading to Electric Picnic in Stradbally on the 4th of September as high of 18 degrees are in store for that weekend.
Met Éireann climatologist Aidan Murphy said the summer has been worse than normal, but it had not been especially bad. “It wouldn’t be in the worst 20 per cent of summers. By no means has it been an exceptionally bad summer,” he said.