Five foods you should definitely NOT eat on your Valentine’s date
Ah, you've finally nailed getting a date on Valentine's, and it's even better if you're MEGA into the person too. So, why ruin it with a curry or ribs, huh?
If you really want to impress on V-Day, dodge these foods (you'll thank us later):
1. Broccoli
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower should ALL be avoided. They will make you super gassy and don't forget those little florets and seeds that get stuck in your teeth. Ugh.
2. Spicy food
It's cool if you like a bit of spice, but what if your date doesn't? Don't make them sit through a dinner where they feel like their lips are on fire.
3. Ramen
You might think it shows that you're a super foodie, but it's impossible to eat these noodles and still look polite. Slurping is not a good look.
4. Ribs
Yes, we know there's nothing better than munching down on sweet baby ribs. But you don't want to look like a savage dog on your date. Plus it's waaay too messy.
5. Tacos
OK, question: how the hell are you even supposed to eat these things properly? They crack and drip and you will just end up getting salsa all over your new top. Not good.