Five things you’re liable to do… that your boyfriend very possibly hates
We're not mind-readers – and while men often complain that women's subtle (or not so subtle) hints, clues, and suggestions are all too often lost on them, the ladies can be equally clueless at times.
Fear not! The relationship experts at SHEmazing! have rounded-up the top five things that us gals can be liable to do in a relationship.
Here, we explore why none of them are good for his sanity, not to mention yours…
1) Fretting about your figure:
No one likes feeling less than his or her best: and putting on the odd excess pound here or there can dent your confidence, granted. However, firstly, he probably doesn’t notice, and secondly, even if he does, he definitely doesn’t really care.
What he does care about? You hampering on about so-called bulges, or focusing on apparent inadequacies.
Because a girlfriend who refuses to go out for dinner (lest you dive head first into a bread basket), or refuses to accept his compliments about how good you look is NO fun. So relax, gurl! Enjoy your relationship and focus on being healthy and happy rather than skinny and miserable (not to mention, probably single).
2) Dwelling on the past:
Unless you’ve been together since your teenage years, he’ll probably have a romantic past (so will you). And while spot of ex-girlfriend online investigation is to be expected – full-on cyber stalking is not. Don’t go digging, don’t interrogate mutual friends, and for goodness sake don’t message her.
People are different in different relationships; a guy can grow up A LOT between the ages of 21 and 24, and the right girl can bring out the best in anyone.
So he had a same-sex fling in the past, he cheated on someone, or it took him a while to realise you’re The One. So what! So long as you’re happy together right now, look to the future, not the past.
3) Sweating the small things:
You chip a nail; lose a load of eyelashes; miss a bit while applying tan; or mess up your liquid eyeliner application. It’s all rather annoying, sure, but save your ‘my life is over,’ rant for your girlfriends – because he doesn’t care and he certainly doesn’t get it. Besides, confident women are sexy women.
Heaps of self-assurance just doesn’t come naturally, you say? Fake it until you make it, we say. Hold your head high and tell yourself you’re great (because you are).
4) Getting distracted by everyone else:
Some folk move in together after only a few months – others wait years and years before taking the plunge. Neither is ‘right’; neither is ‘wrong’. Move at your own pace; scrap the checklist.
Just because your friend is pregnant and engaged at 26 doesn’t mean that you’re anywhere near that stage in your life.
That doesn’t mean, of course, you start comprising; that doesn’t mean you let him fob you off with excuse after excuse if you’re looking for more commitment.
However, it does mean that you pursue an amazing career if you want to, or you go travelling if that takes your fancy: because real love won’t just vanish because you decide to do a Masters abroad rather than putting a ring on it.
5) Not giving him space:
Him not wanting to see you doesn’t equal 'he’s about to break up with you' or 'he’s cheating'. Guys want to see their friends; they want to go to the gym and get an early night; they fancy just chilling at home with a book and the radio (much like ourselves, in fact).
Him being able to say that to you speaks far more highly of your relationship than him coming running every time you click your fingers.