Four easy ways to stay healthy on holidays


Before going on holidays, many ladies up their fitness levels and ditch the bad foods to get the beach body. Unfortunately, all their hard work goes out the window when they arrive at their destination; however, with a little bit of motivation you can maintain a healthy you.

Exercise each morning
True, the last thing you want to be doing on holidays is a bit of exercise, but there is no better way to start your day than a quick run or ten minute workout.

Explore on foot
Ditch the taxis and public transport and instead opt to explore the city on foot. Not only will it keep you trim and healthy you will also get to see a lot more of the area than you would behind a car.

Stay hydrated
Staying hydrated is the key to a healthy lifestyle and even more so when you are in a warm country and sweating a lot more than usual.

Stick with your fruit
Ditch the fry each morning and instead go for a bowl of fruit to start the day with.

Staying fit and healthy on holidays doesn’t mean you miss out or sacrifice fun, it just means you won’t come back with that bit of extra holiday weight.
