Forever finding a few of these on your head?
Finding a sneaky little grey hair is the ultimate bad hair day disaster. Now, before you start cancelling nights out, try our top tips and nobody will be any the wiser.
Avoid pulling it out
Pulling your hair out may cause you to damage the hair follicle which can lead to a bald patch – definitely worse than a grey hair.
Go for a plait
French braids or plaits are a perfect way to tuck away stray grey hairs. They are also look pretty – added bonus.
Use a little make-up
If you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to colour, eye shadow can be your best friend. Make sure you pick a colour that matches your hair and gently dab a little onto your roots. Ta-da!
If all else fails go for the bottle…
A permanent hair colouring is the ultimate hair fix. Either go to the shops or treat yourself to a pampering session at the hair salon.
Grey hair – be gone!