Fred? George? The Weasley twins look COMPLETELY different now
You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t secretly (or openly) fancy The Weasley twins from Harry Potter.
Fred and George were two loveable rogues, who were always messing and causing trouble.
I was curious to know what they’d been up to since leaving Hogwarts, so I had a little stalk of them.
Well, needless to say, they look totally different.
My main issue with the fact that they are no longer ginger… that really hurt me.
Despite their new brown locks, James and Oliver Phelps look pretty damn well.
Thankfully, they have maintained their cheeky grins and those gorgeous brown eyes, but I will forever mourn their ginger hair-dos.
The twins are now 30, and are set to play Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee in the fantasy movie Jabberwocky Rise.
We are excited to see more from these two gorgeous brunettes!