FREE NOW celebrates World Kindness Day with 1,000 free rides for passengers
According to new research from FREE NOW, Ireland’s leading multi-mobility provider, almost half (48%) of people say a taxi driver has gone out of their way for them during a trip and three quarters (74%) have been cheered up by a conversation with a taxi driver.
The survey of 23,091 FREE NOW customers was carried out to mark World Kindness Day, which takes place on Sunday, 13th November. To celebrate, FREE NOW will be taking part in some random acts of kindness this weekend by giving away 1,000 free trips to passengers.
The research finds that 59% of passengers regularly tip their driver. This is likely due to the kind things drivers consistently do for their passengers, like waiting for passengers while they are running late (22%), cheering up by a passenger on a bad day (13%) and a tenth (10%) of passengers’ report to have received good life advice.
The free trips initiative is FREE NOW’s way of saying “thank you” to passengers and to do their share of spreading kindness over the weekend.
Winners will be selected at random giving anyone the chance to win a free taxi ride. Simply order a taxi through the FREE NOW app, as normal, on the 12th or 13th November and drivers will randomly surprise the lucky passengers with free trips.
Commenting on the initiative, Niall Carson, General Manager, FREE NOW said: “At FREE NOW we are lucky to have such a kind passenger base that appreciates the hard work our driver partners put in. It is clear from our research that a chat can go a long way, and this country thrives off the kindness of strangers. On World Kindness Day weekend, we are delighted to say thank you to our passengers by giving away 1,000 free trips through our driver partners.”