From anxiety to harmony: Check out Sinéad de hÓra’s guide to self alignment
It's easy to get overwhelmed these days. Often, even the smallest of tasks can be built up in our heads, creating anxiety and inner disruption that can feel insurmountable. Sometimes, it helps just to take a minute, take a step back and breathe.
Which is exactly what Sinéad de hÓra, award winning intuitive healer, is all about. She penned a five minute guide to self-alignment to help you take a moment to find harmony within yourself. Read below, for a little moment of calm.
Have you been feeling anxious, overwhelmed, nervous, low in energy or just not yourself? If you have answered yes then the first thing I need you to know is that it is okay to not feel okay. These feelings are temporary, and they can be moved. You will move them, and I am going to give you tips on how to do so.
When I hear people say that they feel anxious, my first question is; where is your attention going? When you are feeling anything other than aligned I know your attention is going outwards rather than connecting with your heart centre, your intuition.
Before we continue, I would like for you to refocus your energy with me for two seconds. Pay attention to your breath as you read these words. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your nose. You have been breathing this whole time but now is different because your attention is on your breath and in the present moment. Keep focused on your breath as you inhale and exhale without holding your breath or altering it, just breathe. Feel your chest rise and fall as you breathe.
Feel your abdomen expand and contract as you breathe at this moment. You might start to notice your mind wander, thoughts arise, it will but let them come and let them go and refocus your attention back onto your breath. This is a mindful practice. This is what meditation is. Keep breathing in and out through your nose. Now, why not try this with your eyes closed for seven deep breaths. Your thoughts will drift and that is perfectly okay, you can refocus your energy by paying attention to your breath.
You did it! You meditated, congratulations! How do you feel after doing that? If you don’t feel any different then read that whole paragraph again and perhaps this time set a timer on your phone for three or even five minutes and focus on just breathing for that time. As you do this, recognise where your mind drifts off to. It might wander to thoughts, feelings, memories or the ‘what ifs, ands or buts’, refrain from following the thought, just witness it as if it’s like a floating cloud passing through your mind and then come back to your breath.
This is a mindful practice and that is the keyword, practice. It is like riding a bike. At first, you might wobble and fall off or in this case follow the thought that arises, but then you just get back on the bike or again i.e. focus on your breath to bring you back to balance. Be gentle on yourself as you do this, your mind has been programmed a certain way for a long time and this is the start of creating a new habit, it takes time but look at what you have just achieved in the last few minutes with reading the above.
Now that we have refocused, I would like for you to grab a pen and paper and start to make a list of where your attention has been lately that has caused you to feel off-balance or anxious. Remember, whatever you focus your attention on becomes the object of your attention and if we can identify the object of your attention, we can start to reduce the power that it has within you. After you have made your list, I would like for you to start to break it down by asking yourself the following questions;
Where has my attention been going?
Is this a fact or has it yet to happen?
If it’s a fact, what can I do to break it down? For example, if you have been feeling overwhelmed with packing bags because you are moving to a new house then I would like for you to break your house into sections such as the bathroom, bedroom, sitting room etc. and state what you need to pack in each room v’s what you are giving to charity. By doing so, the task at hand becomes more manageable and you can surrender to getting the job done with ease. Remember, your intuition, your natural state of being has all of the answers you seek, your head is the tool to help it happen so stop keeping your to-do list in your head. If it has yet to happen, for example; if your attention has been going towards worrying over a new job interview then I would like for you to;
State why you are right for this job.
What value you can bring to this job?
What value you can gain from this job?
Visualise yourself in the interview room as the best version of you, strong and confident as you speak your truth.
Where your attention goes your energy flows. You cannot control what happens in the future, but you can control how you feel right now in this moment. When you connect with your breath and visualise your highest good, the best version of you, you start to feel that energy rise from within.
You will start to become that energy. This is how you align your energy with the energy you want to attract. We all experience anxiety at one point or another in our life. Let these emotions be a message to guide you back to balance because that is all your emotions are doing. They are simply telling you that you are not in alignment with your true vibration, the best version of you.
Surrender the need to control your future as you connect with the above mindful techniques again and as you do, I would like for you to visualise the best-case scenario for whatever it is you are ready to welcome into your life. You become what you are focusing on. So, focus on connecting with what brings you joy, with what you desire, with what lights you up. That is how you begin to manifest all that you are worthy of and you are worthy of it all. Remember, your emotions are just temporary, peace is your true nature. Use these little tips to awaken the sense of inner peace that is already inside of you.
Sinéad de hÓra is a multi-award-winning intuitive specialist, with over 13 years’ expertise and knowledge in the beauty and holistic industry. Sinéad is also an author, founder of treatment creations and Droplets podcast. Her work has been seen in Vogue, Tatler, Elle, Psychic News Magazine. Sinéad is on a mission to bring awareness back to your intuition and bring you into alignment so that you can feel free and become the best version of you.
For more information on intuitive guidance or eliminating energetic blocks, see her website www.sineaddehora.com, her Instagram page @sineaddehora or email her info@sineaddehora.com.