This is a game CHANGER! Meet the spoon of the future people

Welcome to the future ladies. 

Gone are the days of your average, spoon-shaped metal utensil, the way you eat your cereal is about to change forever. 

Image result for polygon spoon

Enter: the polygon spoon. 

Image result for polygon spoon

Polygons is described as "a folding spoon that makes measuring your ingredients really easy."

Image result for polygon spoon

This mad looking new spoon comes in two sizes, and also has two metric sizes to help you follow the recipes perfectly: millilitres and tablespoons. 

The position you pick Polygons up from will determine its volume and if that's not enough, this cool looking spoon is even eco-friendly!

Made from recycled plastic, Polygons are being dubbed the future of cutlery, and we kind of want one?
