Gardaí issue appeal following suspected acid attack in Dublin
Gardaí at Blackrock Co Dublin are investigating a serious assault on a young female which occurred shortly after 10pm on Friday December 1 2017 in the vicinity of a path between Merrion Woods to Seamount Apartments, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
During the attack it is believed a caustic substance was used, resulting in injuries to the injured parties face and hands.
Gardaí are appealing to walkers, taxi drivers, delivery drivers or any persons who were in the vicinity of the following areas ,Rosemount Terrace, Fosterbrook, Merrion Woods and Seamount Apartments between 9.30pm and 10.30pm last Friday who may have observed anything suspicious and may have information or relevance dash camera footage.
Gardaí are particularly interested in a lone male, heavy set wearing dark clothing who was in the area at the time.
Members of the public can contact Blackrock Garda Station on 01-6665200, the Garda confidential line 1800 666 111 or any Garda Station.