Gardaí seize a scooter and Twitter can’t help but take the mick
We've all seen one or two electric scooters whizz around town; you might even own one.
But did you know you need a driver's licence and insurance for one?
According to the Gardaí's most recent tweet, you could face prosecution if you use one on a public road without all the legal bits and bobs.
An Garda Síochána tweeted this morning: "DMR Traffic Electric mechaically propelled scooter stopped on public road.
DMR Traffic Electric mechanically propelled scooter stopped on public road No Insurance/Licence Scooter seized & prosecution to follow pic.twitter.com/FaehHMwjOw
— An Garda Síochána (@GardaTraffic) July 27, 2017
"No insurance/licence. Scooter seized and prosecution to follow (sic)."
However, many are commenting on the tweet, saying it's a bit harsh:
Bit harsh ….like really!
— Chad Byrne (@chadpbyrne) July 27, 2017
What about hoverboard and Segway?
— Sharpnado (@P4olino) July 27, 2017
nice to see the real crimes being solved
— Theo O Leary (@Theo177) July 27, 2017
I feel so much safer now bravo.
— Nagger (@half__ro) July 27, 2017
I feel a lot safer now
— Kevin Fitzpatrick (@kfitz1982) July 27, 2017
Is it April 1st??
— anthony hanley (@hanleydub) July 27, 2017
This is a wind up!!
— kenny morgan (@Kennypmorg) July 27, 2017
Bit harsh no?
— Philip Nolan (@PhilipNolan8) July 27, 2017
How embarrassing is that?!!! Would a caution not have sufficed? Seems to be a lot of fuss over very little.
— Joe Ryan (@JoeRyan89798714) July 27, 2017
What do you think? Did they take it too far or is it just the rules of the road?