Gather up your mates and check out these creative online classes
My screen time report popped up the other evening and I honestly felt embarrassed by how much time I had been wasting on my phone. Social media is a huge part of my job but when I looked at the hours I spent aimlessly scrolling through Instagram I felt really disappointed in myself. There are so many things we could be doing rather than throwing away our time online.
I’ve been leaving my phone in a different room in the evenings and channelling my creative side. Doing something creative, whether that’s writing, drawing or even knitting, is so good for your wellbeing, especially after going through lockdown.
If you’re eager to get your creative juices flowing then you just need to check out M.Y.O, whose mission is to help adults explore their creative side!
Diana and Sam set M.YO up in 2017 after thinking how great and relaxing it would be to be more creative as they had started going on creative dates and really enjoyed it! Diana and Sam are both accountants and don't have a creative background. The couple felt that they didn't really have an outlet to be creative in their day-to-day lives – so they decided to set up M.Y.O to bring a creative outlet to the masses!
They believe that we are all born creative, and it is a shame that we don't nurture this creativity in our adulthood. Donna and Sam help adults get creative through Creative Classes, which are now available virtually and you just need to sign up.
Not only can you take online classes, but they have just launched Creative Kits (lino printing, brush lettering and more) with a sister brand Creative Jungle Company.
Their online creative classes are a great way to bond with your loved ones or re-connect with co-workers as we all continue working from home. These classes are designed for groups of 8-50 people. And best of all, they use materials that can be found at home or local shops!
You can choose from a Watercolour Online Group Class, Collage/Vision Board Online Class or Creative Hand Lettering Online Class- which we cannot wait to try!
We’re giving up on aimlessly scrolling through Twitter for hours and will be using our time wisely and getting creative with M.YO!
For more information, visit here.