Get it, girl! How to advance your career in 5 no-nonsense steps

When you’ve been working away in your career for years, sometimes it can be hard to figure out your next step.

Whether you want to go for a promotion in work or move on to greener pastures, here are a few simple tips to help you along the way:

1. Keep your CV up-to-date

You never know when an opportunity will knock on your door. Even though you might not be actively looking for a job, it’s good to look over your CV every six months and add on anything new that you might have accomplished.

It’ll save you a lot of time making last minute updates if a new job or position does come about.

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2. You’re manager isn’t a mind reader

You must make sure your bosses/management know when you do a good job. There’s no point running around like a blue a*sed fly if your boss doesn’t know what you want or expect from it.

Too often employees just assume their management knows what they want, but they’re not mind-readers – you need to tell them your goals.

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3. Network, network, network

You will never realise how much networking can benefit your career. A built-up network of friendships and mentors can provide you with insights that you might not be able to find anywhere else.

Job security may come and go, but a strong network of people in your industry can last forever.

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4. Only pursue jobs that lead to your goals

For example, if you want to be a sports reporter, there’s no point doing work in entertainment or fashion. Stick strictly to the line of work that you want to advance in.

You will not only reach your goals in less time, but you’ll also build up specialised experience in your field.

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5. Fake it ’til you make it

Now, we’re not saying lie on your CV to get where you want to be (that’s a BIG no-no), but rather fake your confidence. We all doubt ourselves and our abilities sometimes.

And it turns out, doubting ourselves can actually hold us all back. So, shoot for the stars, believe in yourself and don’t stress – what’s for you won’t pass you.

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