Get the popcorn! Disney to launch its very own streaming service
Okay, so we have good news and we have bad news.
The bad news is, Disney is fleeing the comfortable confines of Netflix by severing its deal with the streaming service.
From 2019, US Disney fans will find that their favourite new fairy tales will no longer be part of the service.
The good news is, Disney is taking the opportunity to branch out, and create a Disney streaming service of their very own.
As well as playing host to classic Disney films, the service will host TV shows and ESPN-branded sports.
There will be separate streaming channels for the various TV genres.
Old movies may remain on Netflix, but upcoming Disney movies will probably go straight to the Disney-owned streaming programme.
The service is expected to follow the available on-demand business model, with a monthly subscription service.
Disney previously launched its own service, called Disney Life, in the UK in 2015.