#GetLaid? One Irish company has sparked a huge social media debate
A Dublin-based flooring company has had one of its billboards labelled ‘distasteful’ and ‘transphobic’.
The billboard in question, which appeared on social media, features a photograph of Caitlyn Jenner alongside the phrase ‘Fancy a Change?’
Hamptons Floor Store posted images of the billboard on Facebook and subsequently it sparked quite a fierce debate.
While some commenters had called the billboard, which also features the hashtag #GetLaid, distasteful others noted that it was nothing more than a clever marketing campaign.
The hashtag has featured in previous advertisements of the company. A spokesperson for Hamptons Floor Store told TheJournal.ie that the billboard is “more of a celebration of the new Ireland that we’re in, given the passing of the (marriage equality) referendum – which we were very supportive of”.
A spokesperson for the TENI the Transgender Equality Network Ireland was not of the same opinion. They also told TheJournal.ie:
“Hamptons Floor Store’s intentions with this ad may have been good, but the execution is misguided and would have benefited from the input of TENI and the trans community.”
Previously, the company managed to get people talking when they displayed this billboard prior to the marriage referendum: