Giuliana Rancic slams singer’s bad behaviour
Hmm, we’re starting to think there could be some truth to those Ariana Grande rumours…
Giuliana Rancic is just another celebrity name who has been added to the list of people saying Ariana is a major diva.
Despite the fact that Ariana’s “people” have defended the singer, saying she in no way acts like a diva, reports are really starting to suggest otherwise…
Her manager, Scooter Braun, tweeted in defence of the rumours that she was difficult during a photoshoot: "@ArianaGrande is kind,caring, and more than anything she is a great human being. Some people make up rumours for a living….so…"
. @ArianaGrande is kind, caring, and more than anything she is a great human being. Some people make up rumors for a living….so…
— Scooter Braun (@scooterbraun) September 9, 2014
And now, the Fashion Police star has confirmed that Ariana refuses to be filmed on a certain side.
Giuliana recalled an awkward incident in which she was shoved to her bad side, as Ariana refused to be filmed any other way: “I think she does have a little bit of a diva thing going on, I don’t know if that’s just part of the image she wants out there, like ‘I’m a young Mariah, I’m a diva,’ because I remember, I think it was at the AMAs, she came up on the platform, and normally I stand on this side [left] to the camera – I had to fight for 13 years to get this side to the camera, it’s my good side, but I fought 13 years for this, ok? Little Ariana comes over, I feel like BING, elbow in my side, I’m like ‘what’s going on?’ and they push me to the other side.”
Giuliana, who is clearly NOT over this incident at all – and must still have nightmares knowing her “bad” side is on camera somewhere out there – went on to remind Ariana that she is in fact, no Mariah: “I just felt like it’s one thing if it’s Mariah, you know, I’ll get on any side, I’ll bend down, I’ll climb a ladder, whatever it takes to get Mariah to do an interview. But when you’re new on the block, when you’re trying to earn your stripes, you’re young, you just gotta do what you gotta do, try to get a great reputation, try to go overboard to please people.”
Surprisingly, Ariana hasn’t commented on Giuliana’s comments yet, but something tell us she won’t be appearing on E! anytime soon…!
Could it be true? Could the angel-faced Ariana actually be a young Mariah in the making? We shudder at the thought!