Las Vegas (almost) broke Mark from Monaghan… now he needs help


It’s all fun and games in Las Vegas until you end up with no cash, no food and no way home.

Sometimes that long-awaited trans-Atlantic trip just gets the better of us and we completely lose the run of ourselves.

Mark from Monaghan found the cure. Done Deal has come to the rescue for the unlucky lad after he went way too hard and literally couldn’t get himself back home.

His “genuine reason for selling” is probably the best holiday story we’ve heard this year.

The City of Sin is responsible for taking this guy’s prized possession from him after he “thought he was Terrence big balls the first two nights”. Mark needs someone to buy his car from him so he can gather up some much needed pennies.

Not only does she drive “like a Porsche”, the beauty has helped Mark transform himself into something of a ladies man, apparently.

Poor Mark just couldn’t help himself after going all out to impress the rest of the lads on their holiday. Now he’s “atein scraps” and he’s none too impressed. Not even able to get enough cash together

Mark claims the car is in fabulous condition as well, we would all be lucky to own such a fine vehicle. With only one previous owner “who only ever drove her to the shop and back”, Mark’s practically giving it away!
