Good news! Your laziness is actually good for your health
Mornings are hard enough without all the added hassle of attempting to re-organise every last item to perfection before you leave your bedroom.
Making your bed has apparently been a constant struggle in the lives of many people. So much so that researchers actually conducted a study concerning people who make their beds and those who do not.
As it turns out, what you thought might have been a valuable life skill could actually be the opposite. Making your bed every morning could be damaging your health.
Researchers discovered that we sweat a lot when we sleep, so you can lose up a litre of fluid every night. This means that there can be a build-up of 1.5 million microscopic dust mites which live between your sheets. They also feed off your skin cells.
Dr. Steven Pretlove, one of the researchers involved in the investigation explained that essentially the warmth and cosy atmosphere of the bed sheets is not just appealing to us humans. The mites thrive in it, hence where there can be so many of them.
“Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and the mattress so the mite will dehydrate and eventually die.”
If you suffer from allergies then this could end up helping you out, however, not ever making your bed again won’t exterminate the entire colony but it’s a start.
So, now your mornings just a little bit easier. Not having to make your bed means at least an extra minute in bed right? Give or take…