Google wants to totally get RID of passwords… And we’re confused
Yes, we get it. Times are changing. And fast.
We blink and there's new updates or a new format on our favourite app. And let's be honest, most of us complain about the updates. It's annoying and we have to try and figure out how to use the whole thing all over again. Ugh.
But now, Google has basically decided they want to totally get rid of all passwords, and we don't think we can keep up.
However, the tech giant has thoroughly thought things through, and according to Cosmo, decided that instead of a one-word system, it's going to use a series of small systems, which when added all together will make a hella-tight security code.
To be honest. whether we like it or not, we'll probably have the new system forced on us, but everything changes, and the good people over at Google are doing this for the best, right?