Guilty: 8 First World problems you have DEFINITELY experienced


First World problems can be defined as those mild inconveniences of modern life we all experience.

They're NOT be confused with genuine problems but may make you mildly irritated.

Let's face it; if your only problems are First World ones, then life isn't too bad. 

We can identify with all of these, can you?

When you find an exciting new show on Netflix but you haven't finished the one you're watching yet.

Can I commit to this?

Deciding what to get for lunch

You're surrounded by choice, and that choice makes you feel helpless.

Sushi, pasta or a sandwich?

Phone storage is full

Why do bad things happen to good people?!

The agony of trying to choose what to delete…

Intermittent WiFi on holiday

How can I make everyone jealous now?

Snapchat withdrawal is a real thing.

Getting up early to turn on hot water for your shower

The EFFORT…. a timer would be a good investment!

When your birthday falls within weeks of two other family members

Well, she got me an amazing birthday present, so now I have to get her something good. 

And, OMG what will I get for Mam?!

Forgetting to turn off your alarms at the weekend

NOOOOO! Whole weekend ruined already!

 Going on a exotic holiday but catching a cold on the plane

It could be a lot worse! Can you hear that violin playing? 

