Guilty of THIS fashion felony? Here’s how you can fix it PRONTO
We’re a complicated bunch, us Irish.
We might still bless ourselves while passing a church, but can’t remember the last time we stepped foot inside one.
We may have discovered a new-found love for avocado, chia seed and matcha lattes, but feel compelled to whisper ‘notions’ about countless other people
And we may have a real grá for de-cluttering our homes, but, ironically, have wardrobes full to bursting with barely worn clothes.
According to a BT Ireland survey, we find de-cluttering our homes hugely therapeutic – with 60 per cent indulging at least twice a year and 89 per cent insisting it makes them feel ‘brilliant’ – and yet our wardrobes remain stuffed.
The findings established that 49 per cent of Irish people surveyed wear only half their clothes on the regular while 28 per cent wear just a quarter frequently.
Encouraging the public to both donate to charity shops and pick up bargains along the way, 10 employees will take over nine Irish Cancer Society charity shops in Dublin, Galway and Cork on October 13th as part of BT Shop for Change in aid of the Irish Cancer Society.
And with one in two people affected by cancer, the money raised will help the Society fund innovative cancer research projects and provide support for patients and their families
Ladies, it’s time to get sorting… and shopping!