Have you got €1800 to spare? Then you can buy a selfie with The Biebs
Of course the first thing you would think of doing if you happened to come into an extra few euro would be to track down Justin Bieber and throw your money at him.
The Biebs is having something of a renaissance these days, and naturally that means that an international tour is imminent.
Tickets for his Purpose World Tour are currently available on a pre-sale basis right now. The Ultimate #Purpose Experience however is causing some unhappiness amongst the Beliebers- or at least their parents.
He is offering his fans the chance to purchase a selfie with him for a mere €1,800.
Now, to be fair, you do get more than just a selfie out of the deal. There is a plaque up for grabs with your name on it!
Oh, and a backstage tour.
If you're on a budget, there is the the "I'll Show You" VIP #Purpose Experience bundle for €868.
It's a steal, coming in just under €1000 before taxes and Ticketmaster fees. Which this purchase you will get a group photo with Biebs — but there are no details about just how many people will be in that group.
So it could be you and 50 random other Justin fans.
Then there is the "Where Are You Now" VIP #Purpose Experience, which is basically just a good spot at the show and a merchandise bundle. Coming in a €305, which is pretty pricey for a t-shirt with Justin’s face on it, no?
Fans took to social media to express their devastation using the hashtag #justiceforbrokeliebers.
When you wanna buy $2000 meet and greet tickets for Justin. #justiceforbrokeliebers pic.twitter.com/eXPLif0rVg
— kαчlα (@akawhitesides) November 16, 2015
They began using the singer’s own song lyrics against him as they called attention to their plight. Clever, and also hilariously snarky.
When you've been a Belieber since 2009 but you can't afford to meet your idol #justiceforbrokeliebers pic.twitter.com/roJjnSB8FK
— Sophie (@AvonsBoyJustin) November 16, 2015