Here are some small random acts of kindness for Kindness Day today.
Random Acts of Kindness Day encourages you to get out there and be the light you want to see in the world. The idea behind this holiday is to make the world a better place by spreading a little light around and to make kindness a part of our everyday lives. Lift someone up with your words, compliment them on their appearance…even the simplest acts can help to brighten someone’s day.
There are few things that pay as big a dividend as simple acts of kindness. Selfless acts of giving, be it a smile, a word of encouragement, or the offer of a helping hand, result in an emotional uplift not only for the recipient, but also for the giver.
The team at Irish skincare brand Skinician asked their colleagues to suggest some simple actions that could make someone’s day
- Take time to listen. Busy lives mean we often want individuals to get to the point. Take a moment and let the cashier in the supermarket, your friend or your child talk freely.
- Give a genuine compliment. Tell someone how good they make you feel when you’re around them. How great their work is. How much you enjoy their company.
- Support a small local business or craftsperson with a purchase and why not follow up with a shout out on social media?
- Post a nice comment on social media. Be generous with your likes and comments – they don’t cost anything
- Compliment a parent on their child’s good behaviour. Everyone likes to hear they are doing a good job!
- In the same vein, let a company know if you had a good experience with one of their employees
- Make an unexpected cup of coffee for your partner, colleague or housemate.
- Allow your dog to sniff every single tree, gate and pillar on their walk.
- Let a driver pull into your lane. Smile at them even if they don’t thank you.
- Put your phone away in company. Give your attention to the person you are with. Show them you value them and what they have to say.
- Gift someone an item you’ve heard them mention they would love – deliver it anonymously for extra personal feel good.
- Donate to a great cause. We recommend the wonderful work that Look Good Feel Better do with individuals undergoing cancer treatment. Skinician are proud to be a charity partner for 2022. Link to donate.