Here’s the truth about Irish girls and online dating
With phrases like ‘swiping right’ and ‘POF hook-ups’ becoming part of our daily discourse, we were eager to find out just how many of you have taken the plunge and uploaded a personal profile in a bid to find Mr. Right…or in some cases, Mr. Right Now.
You ladies were split almost directly down the middle about whether there was a stigma attached to this modern dating method and yet a massive 71% of you have tried it!
Even more impressive is the fact that 40% of these dates have turned into serious relationships. Not too shabby!
Curiosity was the main motivator for all you online daters out there, while in true Irish form the notion that it was bound to be a bit of craic came in a close second. We’re just slaves to the banter, aren’t we?
The majority of you use Tinder as your digital cupid and your response was overwhelmingly positive, but we weren’t surprised to hear that some encounters were a little less than perfect!
Declarations of love on the first date (no, really) and confirmation that guys have no problem lying about their height online were just some of the deets you generous girls disclosed to us.
Looking out for your fellow ladies, you advised each other not to be too trusting, not to message the guy for too long before eventually meeting and to remember that many wonderful relationships all started with that first swipe right!