Hold everything! A sequel to The Craft is hitting the silver screen


Ladies, we don't want to send you completely over the edge given we still have a day and a half of the working week left to get through, but we have some pretty big news for you this afternoon.

It's time for fans of cult classic, The Craft, to start reapplying their plum lipstick because we're about to find out what happened the girls who had us casting spells in our bedroom back in the day.

Responding to the rumours that we are set for a sequel of the 1996 hit film, producer Douglas Wick said: "We wouldn’t so much call it a remake as a ’20 years later’"

"There will be callbacks to the original movie, so you will see there is a connection between what happened in the days of The Craft, and how these young women come across this magic many years later," he revealed. 

Now ladies, before you pass out with excitement, it still hasn't been confirmed whether any of the original cast will be reprising their roles, but that hasn't stopped us doing 'Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board' all morning in Shemazing! HQ.

