Holiday destinations: Where to save money and curb a coffee addiction
We love going on holidays but they can be lethal for our New Year’s resolutions – and we all know how one cheat week can ruin all our good work. Forever.
Researchers at Cheapflights have compiled a very useful list of destinations that can make or break the most common resolutions.
Here’s how you can stay on the straight and narrow while still having an amazing week away from reality.
Resolution: “I will save money”
Make it – Budapest, Hungary
A weekend break for you and your partner (or BBF!) is still achievable, even if funds are tight. It’s possible to snag yourself a two-night stay at a 3 star hotel available in Budapest for only €162. Now, where did we leave our passports…
Break it – New York City, USA
Although you may get a good deal on a ticket to the Big Apple, you’ll pay through the nose for everything else. The average cost of a meal for two in NYC is €65 and a two-night stay in a 3 star hotel comes in at €400.
Resolution: “Curb my coffee addiction”
Make it – Sri Lanka
Did you now that Sri Lanka produces 12% of the world’s tea? Not a coffee bean in sight, so if cutting down on the black stuff is what you promised yourself this year then head to this eclectic Asian destination and down all the Darjeeling you please.
Break it – Sấo Paulo, Brazil
If you’re trying to cure your addiction to coffee then clearly Brazil is the wrong place to head to as it produces 40% of the world’s coffee – eek! Coffee is a integral part of society and Brazilian culture, particularly Sấo Paulo.