Hollywood couple photographed having explosive fight
Every couple – married or otherwise – fights from time to time. It’s totally normal – unless you’re famous and it gets caught on a long lens, that is!
Which is exactly what happened to Brad and Angelina, after they were snapped having what is being called: “The final fight.”
While we’re not so convinced about that particular part, the discussion they are having certainly looks heated, and Brad looks to be quite frustrated about the whole thing.
We’re sure the couple, who are known to be dedicated parents to their six children, will be just fine, so let’s not panic just yet!
In fact, it was only today that a video was released showing Angelina opening up about her marriage, saying: "I'm gonna be a better wife. I'm gonna cook!"
Watch out for the moment Angelina gets SUPER awkward when the reporter mentions we first met the couple on Mr & Mrs. Smith, which is when they are alleged to have begun a relationship, despite Brad still being married to Jennifer. Eek! Catch it at 2.02!