Household dust could contribute to weight gain, a new study finds

Better dig out the Mr Sheen, because according to a new study, household dust could encourage weight gain. 

Researchers from the American Chemical Society have discovered that compounds called endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in dust can spur fat cells to accumulate more fat.

The study found that house dust caused the fat cells to accumulate an additional type of fat called triglycerides when it was introduced to the petri dish.

EDCs are synthetic or naturally occurring compounds that can that act as a replica for the body's hormones.

They are commonly found in consumer goods and thus ends up in household dust which is then inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin (what?).

In order to conduct the research, scientists tested samples of dust from 11 different homes in North California.

The results showed 7 of the 11 samples had triggered the fat cells to develop and accumulate triglyerides while only one sample had no effect on the cells at all.

Furthermore,  just three micrograms of dust was shown to have an adverse affect on cells – far less than the estimated 50 milligrams consumed by children each day. 

Researchers concluded the study by suggesting that exposure to the chemicals through house dust may disrupt metabolic health, particularly in children.

Excuse us while we hoover for several days.
