How could they do this to us? The celeb splits we’re STILL not over
Following weeks of speculation, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced yesterday that they were splitting up after ten years of marriage.
Considered to be one of Hollywood’s strongest couples, Ben and Jen are only the latest in a long list of celebrity relationships that have caused us some serious devastation.
We still sometimes can’t believe Brad and Jen just didn’t make it. What even is love?
Every time a celebrity couple goes through a break up, we all cry with them. However, clearly some are just more devastating than others.
In particular, these break ups are still a little hard for us to talk about. No, time hasn’t healed all wounds unfortunately…
Britney and Justin
The double denim duo broke our hearts in the 00s. He was her first kiss, ever.
Brad and Jen
Everything is fine, until that Friends episode comes on and we have emotional flashbacks to the devastation that occurred ten years ago.
Orlando and Miranda
Maybe all hope is not lost, seeing as Orlando has said to the press “we’re not friends. We’re family.” We’re not crying either.
Reese and Ryan
They met at her 21st birthday party (nwwaaa!) in 1997, got married and had two children before splitting up in 2006. We’re still haven’t found two blondes pretty enough to replace them in our hearts.
Ashton and Demi
It doesn’t matter that he and Mila just had a baby, we’re still not convinced he and Demi really called it quits. Why would they do that to us? Why?
Rachel and Ryan
Everything about The Notebook makes us cry, then we pulled ourselves together knowing they were happy in real life. Remember the MTV Movie Awards? Yeah, us too. Then, in 2008 they broke our hearts and we’re still not over it to be honest.
Selena and Justin
Shattering our hearts not just once, but twice. The Baby singer just can’t seem to get over her either with rumours circulating his new single, Where Are U Now, is full of messages about his former love. It’s like standing outside someone’s window with a boom box, if you’re a 21-year old millionaire.